Waktu | 02 Juni · 16:00 - 19:00 |
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Info Selengkapnya | "INDONESIAN ELFs FLASHMOB FOR SUPER JUNIOR" * Date: Thursday, 2nd June 2011 (libur nasional) ...* Place : Mall Of Indonesia (MOI), Kelapa Gading. * Time: 16.00 WIB -------------------------- ► HOW TO PARTICIPATE? » to Dance Bagi kalian yang hafal dengan gerakan dancenya, kalian bisa ikut menari untuk flashmobnya. Adapun lagu yang digunakan utk flashmob yaitu Bonamana dan Sorry Sorry, (masing2 di cut). * Untuk tutorial dan utk mengetahui bagian lagu yang akan dipakai bisa dilihat disini: - Bonamana: http://www.youtube.com/wat - Sorry Sorry: http://www.youtube.com/wat * MP3 cuts : - Bonamana : http://bit.ly/iUygUV - Sorry Sorry : http://www.mediafire.com/? -------------- » to Crowd Jangan takut jika kalian tidak hafal atau tidak sempat belajar. Kalian tetap diperbolehkan datang dan ikut meramaikan crowded ELF nya. Nantinya kalian akan ada disekitar penari flashmob, sehingga orang juga tetap bisa melihat antusias para ELF melalui keramaian yang terlihat. Selain itu, nantinya kalian diminta meneriakan fanchants untuk menunjukkan kekompakkan ELF :D -------------------------- ► PENDAFTARAN hanya diperuntukkan bagi kalian yang akan mengikuti Dance. Untuk mempermudah pendataan cukup isi form berikut : Nama: No.hp: Twitter: -- atau jika kalian ingin mendaftar dalam bentuk group (lebih dr 1 orang), utk lebih mudah silahkan isi form berikut : Nama : Jumlah orang (yg akan mengikuti flashmob) : Contact person : Lalu kirimkan via email ke: fm.superjunior@yahoo.co.id Dengan subject 'FLASHMOB DANCER' » Pendaftaran untuk dancer PALING LAMBAT hari Rabu tanggal 1 Juni, pukul 09.00 WIB. -------------- ► Note: pengisian form hanya diperuntukkan bagi yang akan mengikuti DANCE flashmob saja. Untuk diluar itu, kalian hanya tinggal datang saja ke tempat pada Hari H. ► event flashmob ini FREE HTM maupun biaya pendaftaran. ► Contact Person : Lisa : 08979123210 Rani : 085697322287 ---- Hasil kerjasama dengan Mall of Indonesia dan Faber Castell. Project ini oleh, dari, dan untuk ELF INDONESIA^^ We really need you, Indonesian ELFs, to make this project successful. So please spread the words!^^ Let's show our love to Super Junior♥♥^^ |
Yesterday is a history .. Today is a gift .. Tomorrow is a mystery, so always be remember to thanks God ^^
Selasa, 31 Mei 2011
SJ-M says I love you in 3 different languages, ten thousands of fans captivated

SJ-M says I love you in 3 different languages, ten thousands of fans captivated
(Kuala Lumpur, 29th May) Korean group Super Junior-M (SJ-M) uttered the words “Sayang, I love you! Wo ai ni!” during their concert in Malaysia and this immediately melted the hearts of ten thousands of fans who came to cheer them on. On Saturday, 6 members came to Malaysia to have their concert1, owing to the fact that Donghae and Siwon are currently in Taiwan filming the idol drama <<Extravagant Challenge>>, they were unable to come along with their members to Malaysia.
Shortly after the opening, 6 lucky fans that were drawn were brought on stage to have a close-up interaction with SJ-M, and each fan was allowed to ask their idol one question. After answering the questions, each member used their “killer acts”, and this allowed fans to fulfil their desires! Henry and Ryeowook hugged the female fan, Zhoumi kissed a female fan’s hand while kneeling down on one knee, Kyuhyun2 on the other hand went behind a female fan and hugged her, causing fans beneath the stage to continuously scream and at the same time feel envious. One of the fans who were invited on stage was even moved to tears.
Eunhyuk’s moonwalk
During the solo segment, Zhoumi specially performed a song by his close friend Z-Chen (Zhang Zhi Cheng) titled <<3am in the morning>>, and he also revealed that Malaysian singers Fish Leong and Michael Wong (Guang Liang) are also his best friends. Ryeowook and Kyuhyun each performed songs from their favourite singers which include Teresa Teng’s <> and Zhang Hui Mei’s <<If You Have Heard Before>>. The more special performance was done by Eunhyuk, who had prepared Michael Jackson’s classic moon walk dance for that night’s concert, and even boldly caressed his lower body several times, allowing fans to enjoy his performance “for free”!
Zhoumi3 claimed that he is most shy
Later, the MC asked who is most shy among the 6 members, and Zhoumi3 automatically raised his hands in acknowledgement, he continued saying: “When I become their Chinese language teacher, I will become more strict, I’ll spank their bottoms if they make mistakes!” During the interview session on stage, the 6 members would not obediently remain in their positions, they were always seen teasing each other, and from time to time they’ll “hug” or “kiss” (each other).
Before the end of the concert, all 6 members made a 90-degree bow to the fans twice to bid their fans goodbye, and to signify the end of the concert. They are definitely the most courteous Korean idol group.
SJ-M was invited by the National Youth and Sports Ministry to give a one hour finale performance at the <<Malaysia National Youth Day Event>>. As this event is held free of charge, more than 10000 people attended this event, causing some people to have breathing difficulties; some also felt unwell and passed out, requiring first aid from the medical personnel before being sent to the hospital.
Performance song list: SJ-M <<Perfection>>, <<Blue Tomorrow>>, <<Destiny>>
Solo : Henry- <<Off My Mind>>; Zhoumi <<3am in the Morning>>; Ryeowook <>; Kyuhyun <<If You Have Heard Before>>; Eunhyuk <<Michael Jackson’s Dance performance>>
Encore: SJ-M <<Super Girl>>
Super Junior-M’s press conference, requested for a song from Michael Wong
Korean popular group Super Junior-M (expressed that) apart from wanting to have a chance to collaborate with A-mei, Zhoumi revealed that he had earlier requested a song from Guang Liang, and at present, it is still under discussion, (but he hopes) that they will be able to successfully receive the song. After launching their 2nd album <<Perfection>>, Super Junior-M has for the first time held an outdoor concert in Malaysia. During the press conference, they expressed that the happiest thing for them is being able to perform the song <<Love is Sweet>> which was written by Jay Chou.
When they were asked about their feelings towards Malaysia, Eunhyuk said: “The fans here are very amiable!” Sungmin said: “Malaysia is a beautiful country and if there is opportunity in the future, he would definitely travel to Malaysia.” Henry on the other hand expressed that: “I’m very happy whenever I visit Malaysia, Malaysia is a multilingual country, be it English, Cantonese or Chinese, everyone would be able to understand!”
Members who had diligently learned Chinese, gives 8 marks for their own performance
They have been living in Taiwan for almost 2 months, and when they were asked how would they rate the Chinese that they have diligently practiced, Eunhyuk took a deep breath and said: “We will give our Chinese…8 marks!” And when they were asked with Chinese phrase left them with the deepest impression, Kyuhyun laughed as he replied saying: “Tai Bu Xiang Hua! (It’s outrageous)” Ryeowook answered: “Hen you geng! (You’ve got guts)” Eunhyuk then suddenly shouted: “The one word that we heard most when we were in Taiwan is fans shouting “Ah!”.”
Apart from that, when they were asked which member is the most perfect, Zhoumi replied using his not so fluent Cantonese: “There is a unique feel to each member, and I belong to the more natural and comfortable category.” Because Zhoumi replied rather slowly (due to the language he is using), the media urged him to reply using Chinese. Zhoumi jokingly said: “I have actually practiced Cantonese for about a year and a half, but because we seldom have activities in Hong Kong, I’m taking this opportunity during our visit here in Malaysia to speak using Cantonese.” When the members were asked on what awards they would wish to challenge, they expressed that they are actually very ambitious, as they have really given so much effort throughout their showbiz journey, they would love to receive every possible award, not wanting to miss out on any of them.
1 Malaysia Youth Association Day concert (Hari Belia Negara)
2 Reporter fail #1. It was Eunhyuk who hugged the fan from behind, not Kyuhyun.
3 Reporter fail #2. It wasn’t Zhou Mi who admitted that he’s the shyest. It’s Kyuhyun.
Source: kwongwah.com
Translated by: KyU Is L♥Ve@SJ-WORLD.NET
Edited by: eternalsnow @ SJ-WORLD.NET
Minggu, 29 Mei 2011
Invasi K-pop di Jakarta: Penuh Drama

Di tahun 2011 ini, Indonesia seperti dibidik sebagai pasar potensial penyebaran K-pop. Betapa senang ketika mendengar kabar JYJ akan hadir ke Jakarta. Juga 2PM yang datang dalam rangkaian BlackBerry Live & Rockin’.Bintang utama KIMCHI adalah grup K-pop paling populer: Super Junior (Suju)”
Lalu ada Super Junior plus Park Jung Min di KIMCHI, 2AM dan Miss A di Jakarta FantastiKpop Festival — serta Big Bang di Jakarta International Teen Festival. Tidak perlu lagi menjemput bola para kokitnam namja ini ke Seoul atau Singapura.
Penuh drama
Sayangnya, setiap kedatangan cowok-cowok ganteng Asia Timur ini selalu diikuti dengan “drama” yang tak kalah dramatis dengan cerita drama Korea. Di tengah antusiasme penggemar JYJ terhadap kehadiran Jaejoong, tiba-tiba muncul berita konser itu dibatalkan. Kabarnya ada beberapa syarat produksi tambahan yang tidak dapat dipenuhi pihak promotor.
Beruntung, 2PM sukses tampil di Kemayoran bersama Shontelle, Taio Cruz dan Suede. Tapi itu pun tetap tak lepas dari drama. Berhubung Junho tampil dalam sebuah acara produsen smartphone, membeli tiket konsernya tidaklah semudah konser lain. Para Hottest nyaris putus asa akibat persyaratan pembelian produk yang super mencekik kantong untuk semata-mata dua tiket VIP.
Alternatif lain untuk akses pun tidak kalah merepotkan: menjawab kuis lewat Internet. Serbuan peminat (tak sebatas 2PM tentunya) menggila ke empat situs yang disiapkan. Judulnya, crash saja deh!
Drama ini masih berlanjut ketika malam itu ternyata 2PM hanya membawakan empat lagu! Sungguh menguras emosi. Jumlah itu sangat sedikit dibandingkan dengan tiga artis lain yang menyanyi paling sedikit delapan lagu. Tidak sebanding dengan jerih payah penggemar demi menonton.
Rentetan drama belum berakhir. Sempat beredar kabar, 2AM akan mengadakan pertunjukan mini di Jakarta. Yang terjadi kemudian adalah, meski grup didikan JYPE ini memang benar datang ke Jakarta, konser mini mereka hanya isapan jempol.
Bijaksana memilih konser
Sulit menuding pihak mana yang salah dan benar dari kejadian yang tidak mengenakkan tersebut. Tapi yang jelas, penggemar K-pop dikecewakan. Situasi seperti ini tentu sangat tidak mendukung bagi satu mania yang mulai booming (naik daun).
Apalagi invasi K-pop di Jakarta sudah terlihat lagi. Dua minggu lagi, invasi dimulai dengan KIMCHI, lalu disusul Jakarta FantastiKpop Festival dan — yang masih belum jelas — Jakarta International Teen Festival.
(Harga tiket konser-konser ini bukan murah. Bahkan ada yang lebih mahal dari tiket Justin Bieber!)
KIMCHI atau Korean Idols Music Concert Hosted in Indonesia 2011 diadakan oleh promotor W Production, yang bisa dibilang “pemain” pertama di dunia K-pop. Mereka juga pernah mendatangkan Rain dan Kim Bum.
Bintang utama KIMCHI adalah grup K-pop paling populer: Super Junior (Suju). Choi Si Won dkk direncanakan akan menyanyi lebih dari empat lagu. Selain itu, Super Junior M (SJ-M) akan hadir juga. Artinya, selain: Leeteuk, Heechul, Yesung, Shindong, Sungmin, Eunhyuk, Donghae, Siwon, Ryeowook, Kyuhyun, hadir pula Henry Lau dan Zhou Mi.
Juga akan hadir Park Jung Min, salah seorang anggota SS501 yang baru-baru ini meluncurkan single “Not Alone” dan album mini The, Park Jung Min; plus tiga grup pendatang baru yang sekarang sedang jadi buah bibir di Korea: The Boss, Girl’s Day dan X-5.
Dua minggu setelah KIMCHI, giliran penggemar grup jebolan JYP Entertainment (JYPE) yang dimanjakan, terutama yang sempat kecewa ingin menangkap 2AM. Promotor Blackrock Entertainment akan menggelar Jakarta FantastiKpop Festival (JFF) yang menampilkan 2AM, Miss A, Joo, San-E dan Lee Hyun.
Kabarnya peminat festival K-pop yang satu ini tidak kalah seru dengan KIMCHI. Bagi I AM (panggilan penggemar 2AM), JFF jadi tempat jaminan untuk menikmati aksi idola. Soalnya, lewat akun Twitternya, Jo Kwon sempat mengindikasikan bahwa 2AM pasti datang. Jadi wajar saja bila setelah dua hari penjualan, pihak promotor pun berterima kasih atas respons antusias penjualan tiket online.
Yang masih tidak jelas kabarnya mungkin Jakarta International Teen Festival (JITF). Promotor Berlian Entertainment (yang menggelar konser Justin Bieber) sempat menulis twit soal festival ini.
Mereka mengabarkan, hanya berselang sepuluh hari setelah JFF, JITF akan menampilkan parade artis dari berbagai negara seperti Katy Perry (AS), Big Bang (Korea), Brown Eyed Girls (Korea), dan 24herbs (HK).
Tetapi tidak lama setelah pengumuman tersebut, mereka mengeluarkan pernyataan tidak lagi terlibat dalam festival ini. JTIF akan diurus pihak Rumah Sinema. Setelah insiden 2AM baru-baru ini yang melibatkan Rumah Sinema, kepastian festival ini sangat meragukan.
Jadi sebelum tercipta “drama” baru, ada baiknya sebelum memesan tiket, mari kita jadi detektif dulu untuk mencari tahu kejelasan detail konser dan promotor!
Ingin dapat tiket gratis KIMCHI 2011? Ikuti akun W Production di Koprol.
source : Yahoo! OMG!
Who is the idol suits best as a teacher?
Kids Daum.net made a poll for selected idols titled, “Which star suits best as a teacher”.
The idols to choose from are SNSD members Taeyeon and Seohyun, SJ’s makane Kyuhyun, 2AM member Jo Kwon and other idols.
The idols to choose from are SNSD members Taeyeon and Seohyun, SJ’s makane Kyuhyun, 2AM member Jo Kwon and other idols.
And the best teacher goes to none other than Super Junior maknae Kyuhyun with total of 1,328,226 votes that is equal to 54% of the total votes..
Next to him is SNSD’s leader Taeyeon who got 41% of the total votes.
source: kids.daum.net
written by: shaynekay@dkpopnews.net
written by: shaynekay@dkpopnews.net
Source: Daily K Pop News
Kamis, 26 Mei 2011
Super Junior’s Leeteuk hospitalized for exhaustion

Super Junior’s leader Leeteuk was recently raised some concerns amongst fans after it was revealed that he was hospitalized for exhaustion.
On the morning of May 8th, the idol tweeted, “Exhaustion.. I’m at the hospital getting an IV treatment.”
Super Junior completed their concert in Vietnam before returning to Korea on the 8th. After suffering severe fatigue, Leeteuk was taken to the hospital. He’s currently receiving IV treatments and is getting an ample amount of rest.
Super Junior completed their concert in Vietnam before returning to Korea on the 8th. After suffering severe fatigue, Leeteuk was taken to the hospital. He’s currently receiving IV treatments and is getting an ample amount of rest.
Through Star News, representatives of SM Entertainment stated, “Leeteuk is staying at the hospital for his recovery. Should there be nothing else wrong, he will be discharged and returning to his dorm to rest.”
Netizens commented, “Please rest,” and “Work is important, but so is your health.”
Source + Photos: Star News, AllKpop via Naver
Super Junior’s Leeteuk celebrates 2,000th day since debut with fans

In celebration of Super Junior’s 2,000th day on April 28th, leader Leeteuk left a special message for E.L.F.s through his personal Twitter.
On the 29th, he tweeted, “2,000 days since our debut. I still have so many things that I want to do, it just isn’t enough yet. To all of the E.L.F.s all over the world that have given us so much love! I would like to genuinely thank you. I love you.”
Leeteuk also shared more good news, “We placed #1 in pre-orders for our Japanese singles and were also chosen as national brands by BCC. We’ll become even more humble and work even harder.”
Fans replied, “Congratulations on your 2,000th day, let’s go all the way to 10,000 days together!”, “Super Junior forever”, and “I will always be an E.L.F. with Super Junior.”
source : allkpop
Super Junior to go on World Tour on 5th album release
On May 25 2011, 11PM KST, he appeared on KBS news line 1 and was interviewed about some things. One of those was that Super Junior is planning to hold Super Show 4 throughout the world, not just in Asia and they are also concern about visiting North America.
They are really conquering the whole world and fill it with sapphire blue ocean. Super Junior Fighting!
Photo credits to teukiebiased @ twitter
Posted by naishien @ korea.com
Shared at here by ELF~7
Super Junior’s Leeteuk talks about Hallyu on KBS’s “News Line”
On May 25th, KBS’s “News Line” spotlighted the Hallyu wave and interviewed Super Junior’s Leeteuk for the first time on live news.
Leeteuk was interviewed as one of the representative of idol groups who are leading the Hallyu wave outside of Asia into Europe. He revealed, “Once a week, we circulate all over Asia including Japan, China, Malaysia, and Vietnam. We haven’t held a concert in Europe yet, so we were still surprised to see the response we garnered there.”
He continued, “We monitor the responses through press reports. They say that the popularity is stronger than ever, but I feel that we’re just now taking our first step. I think people take a liking to us because our music and performance style is both fresh and cool.”
Approaching the topic on communicating with foreign fans, he said, “Because we can’t visit and hold a concert in every country, we communicate to our fans through social networking services.” When asked in what language he communicates in, he replied, “There are programs that translate directly so it comes in great use.”
When asked for his thoughts on the growing Hallyu wave, Leeteuk commented, “I think we need to work harder to make sure that the Hallyu wave isn’t just a one-time ripple, but a continuous and consistent wave. We can’t be blinded by the profit that we see immediately and need to make sure that there’s strong cultural exchanges between ours and theirs.”
The reporter then asked whether Leeteuk thought idol groups were artificially created products, to which he replied, “It’s reality in that I can’t deny that idols are planned products. I think that this can be upgraded when our young friends gain more experience and get older, so I hope that everyone watches over them.”
He continued, “I’ve grown a lot over the past seven years. I wouldn’t say I have a lot of experience, but I picked up skills along the way on how to do this and that. I think success only comes to those who wait and work hard. New idols need both passion and patience in their hearts.”
Concluding the show, Leeteuk also mentioned the possibility of “SM Town in South America“, as well as the possibility of Super Junior’s “Super Show 4” being developed into a world tour, so stay tuned for more updates on that.
After the broadcast, Leeteuk tweeted, “For the first time, an idol guested on a live news show! I was so nervous that I was shaking, but it was so fun. I would like to thank everyone once again. I will bow my head and become a person that works even harder.”
source : allkpop
Ayooooo..Ayooo..Para Pelanggan setia Jn'Y Shop...
Masih ada yg mw PO ga nih HISTORY OF SUJU Vol.2 and Vol.3 ??
jgn sampe keabisan lagi lohhh..Edisi Terbatas ^^
...Kita msh berbaik hati ni..
kita ksh kesempatan BESOK ya 26 Mei 2011
jgn smpe nyesel loh klo keabisan..^^
Happy Shopping..
Rabu, 25 Mei 2011
Studio Albums :
- 2005 : SuperJunior05 (TWINS)
1. "Miracle" Yoon Hyosang 2:56
2. "Twins (Knock Out)"
3. "You are the one"
4. "Rock this house"
5. "차근차근 (Way for Love)" ["Carefully (Way for Love)"]
6. "So I"
7. "Over"
8. "Keep in Touch"
9. "L.O.V.E."
10. "Believe"
11. "Twins (Knock Out)
- 2007 : Don't Don
- "돈 돈! (Don't Don)"
- "소원이 있나요 (Sapphire Blue)"
- "You're my endless love (말하자면)"
- "미워 (Hate U, Love U)"
- "Disco Drive"
- "Marry U"
- "I am"
- "사랑이 떠나다 (She's gone)"
- "Missin' U"
- "거울 (Mirror)"
- "우리들의 사랑 (Our Love)"
- "Midnight Fantasy"
- "Thank you"
- "아주 먼 옛날 (Song for you)" (Bonus track)
- 2009 : Sorry, Sorry
1. "Sorry, Sorry"
2. "니가 좋은 이유 (Why I like you)"
3. "마주치지 말자 (Let's not...)" (Super Junior-K.R.Y)
4. "앤젤라 (Angela)"
5. "Reset"
6. "Monster 3"
7. "What if"
8. "이별... 넌 쉽니 (Heartquake)" (featuring TVXQ's U-Know & Micky)
9. "Club No.1" (featuring Lee Yeon-hee)
10. "Happy Together"
11. "죽어있는 것 (Dead at heart)"
12. "Shining Star"
Bonus tracks :
1. "그녀는 위험해 (She Wants It)
2. "너라고 (It's You)
3. "사랑이 죽는 병 (Love Disease)
4. "첫번째 이야기 (Love U More)
5. "Sorry, Sorry (Japanese ver.)
- 2010: Bonamana
1. "미인아 (BONAMANA)"
2. "나쁜 여자 (Boom Boom)"
3. "응결 (Coagulation)" (Super Junior-K.R.Y)
4. "나란 사람 (Your Eyes)" (Yesung and Kyuhyun duet)
5. "My Only Girl"
6. "사랑이 이렇게 (My All Is In You)"
7. "Shake It Up!"
8. "잠들고 싶어 (In My Dream)" (Yesung, Sungmin, Donghae, Ryeowook, Kyuhyun)
9. "봄날 (One Fine Spring Day)" (Ryeowook solo)
10. "좋은 사람 (Good Person)"
11. "Here We Go"
2. ""너 같은 사람 또 없어 (No Other)"
3. "Shake It Up! (Remix)"
4. "진심 (All My Heart)
5. "여행 (A Short Journey)"
Korean Single Albums :
- 2005 : Show Me Your Love
- "Show Me Your Love" by TVXQ, Super Junior 05
- "I Wanna Hold You" by TVXQ
- "I'm Your Man" by Super Junior 05
- "Show Me Your Love" [Instrumental]
- 2006 : U
Korea "U" single
- "U" — 3:45
- "Endless Moment" — 3:38
- "Lovely Day" — 3:02
Taiwan U special edition (EP+DVD)
- "U" (就是你) [Mandarin version] — 3:45
- "Dancing Out" — 3:43
- "U" (就是你) [Korean version] — 3:45
- "Endless Moment" (無盡的時刻) — 3:38
- "Lovely Day" (美好的一天) — 3:02
- "U" [Instrumental] — 3:45
- "Endless Moment" (無盡的時刻) [Instrumental] — 3:45
- "Lovely Day" (美好的一天) [Instrumental] — 3:45
- "U" (就是妳) [Music video]
- "Dancing Out" [Music video]
- Making of "U - Music Video" [Traditional Chinese subtitles]
- 2010 : Victory Korea
Japanese Single Albums
- 2011 : Bonamana (Bijin)" (Bonamana (美人))
1. Bonamana (Japanesse Version)

Selasa, 24 Mei 2011
110523 Ryeowook Message on SJM Chinese Official Website
Hello, I’m Ryeowook.
The official website was emerged because of your love, I’m happy~~~
And I feel happier that could meet you here~
In order to close to you, I’m learning Chinese hard
I’ll be more hard~ everyone I love you~ be careful dont get cold~
Everyone I love you!!
Trans: Hai, aku Ryeowook.
Situs resmi muncul karena cinta kalian, Aku senang~~~
Dan aku merasa bahagia bisa bertemu kalian disini~
Dalam rangka untuk dekat dengan kalian, aku belajar bahasa cina dengan keras
Aku akan berusaha lebih keras~ semuanya aku cinta kamu~ hati - hati jangan sampai kena flu~
Semuanya aku mencintai mu!!
Source: SJM Chinese Official Website
Translated by: @ELF~7
share here by @ELF~7Selasa, 17 Mei 2011
SNSD VS SUPER JUNIOR debute at japan . who is winner ?
Sudah kita ketahui kalau SUPER JUNIOR ak.a SUJU tengah sibuk menggarap album baru mereka . yaitu super junior BIJIN ak.a Bonamana Ver japan .
menyusul adik satu entertaiment mereka , super junior mulai melebarkan sayapnya di dunia musik japan . tapi secara mengejutkan SNSD yang sukses dengan MR. Taxi nya juga ikut merelase 1st album japan mereka . belum cukup dengan MR.taxi single album , dengan resmi SNSD merelase japan 1st album mereka yang berjudul GIrls generation :
tanggal relasenya pun telah di tentukan , yaitu june 1 2011
sementara super junior bijin itu sendiri akan relase pada tanggal 08 june 2011
untuk harga tersendiri , harga SNSD 1st album tergolong lebih mahal di bandingkan SUPER JUNIOR BIJIN
terbukti jika di kurs kan kedalam rupiah .
SNSD 1st album duluxe bisa mencapai 800000 rupiah , sementara SUPER JUNIOR bijin 260000 rupiah . tapi harga tak menjadi perdebatan , yang menjadi perdebatan saat ini adalah , siapakah yang akan menguasai tangga penjualan album tertinggi ? apakah SUPER JUNIOR ? ataukah SNSD ?
dan siapakah yang akan lebih menguasai pasar musik japan ? termasuk oricon chart ?
semua kita berikan kepada fans ^^ , mereka yang menentukan kemenangan idola mereka masing masing ^^
menyusul adik satu entertaiment mereka , super junior mulai melebarkan sayapnya di dunia musik japan . tapi secara mengejutkan SNSD yang sukses dengan MR. Taxi nya juga ikut merelase 1st album japan mereka . belum cukup dengan MR.taxi single album , dengan resmi SNSD merelase japan 1st album mereka yang berjudul GIrls generation :
sementara super junior bijin itu sendiri akan relase pada tanggal 08 june 2011
untuk harga tersendiri , harga SNSD 1st album tergolong lebih mahal di bandingkan SUPER JUNIOR BIJIN
terbukti jika di kurs kan kedalam rupiah .
SNSD 1st album duluxe bisa mencapai 800000 rupiah , sementara SUPER JUNIOR bijin 260000 rupiah . tapi harga tak menjadi perdebatan , yang menjadi perdebatan saat ini adalah , siapakah yang akan menguasai tangga penjualan album tertinggi ? apakah SUPER JUNIOR ? ataukah SNSD ?
dan siapakah yang akan lebih menguasai pasar musik japan ? termasuk oricon chart ?
semua kita berikan kepada fans ^^ , mereka yang menentukan kemenangan idola mereka masing masing ^^
Kamis, 12 Mei 2011
Super Junior's Sungmin cast in "Jack the Ripper" musical

Earlier in the year, Super Junior's Sungmin was featured in the subgroup Super Junior-M for their latest Chinese mini-album "Perfection". Now the member is moving forward as he has just been recently cast in the musical "Jack the Ripper".
The singer will play the lead role of Daniel along with actors An Jaewook and Um GiJoon, who also nabbed the same role. Sungmin is expected to begin preparations for the show that is set to premiere on July 5th. "Jack the Ripper" will also star Yoo JoonSang, Shin Sungwoo, Kim Junhyung, Seo JiYoung, and Oh JinYoung.
The curtains will rise and the musical will feature not only powerful singing and acting, but also exhibit a strong stage presence from the stars. Sungmin is also set to return with the boy band Super Junior for their next album later this year.
Check out the press release poster featuring Sungmin in a cape below. Do you feel that Sungmin will do well as the lead role in "Jack the Ripper"?
The singer will play the lead role of Daniel along with actors An Jaewook and Um GiJoon, who also nabbed the same role. Sungmin is expected to begin preparations for the show that is set to premiere on July 5th. "Jack the Ripper" will also star Yoo JoonSang, Shin Sungwoo, Kim Junhyung, Seo JiYoung, and Oh JinYoung.
The curtains will rise and the musical will feature not only powerful singing and acting, but also exhibit a strong stage presence from the stars. Sungmin is also set to return with the boy band Super Junior for their next album later this year.
Check out the press release poster featuring Sungmin in a cape below. Do you feel that Sungmin will do well as the lead role in "Jack the Ripper"?

Selasa, 10 Mei 2011
(CLOSED) PRE-ORDER HISTORY OF SUPER JUNIOR Vol. 2 dan 3 >> until 25 Mei 2011
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-->HISTORY OF SUJU Vol 2 " Group Guide " Bonus : DVD, Kotak tisu, Poster Jumbo, Postcard
-->HISTORY OF SUJU Vol 3 " Personal Guide " Bonus : DVD, MAP, Poster Jumbo, foto saku member, Pembatas Buku
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-->HISTORY OF SUJU Vol 3 " Personal Guide " Bonus : DVD, MAP, Poster Jumbo, foto saku member, Pembatas Buku
Holla..Para pelanggan setia Jn’Y Shop
Sesuai dengan Janji kita,,
Jn’Y Shop membuka PRE-ORDER lagi nih
Khusus buat kalianj para pecinta Super Junior,
Tapi ada 2 ketentuan:
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*order untuk para pelanggan setia Jn’Y Shop yang sudah mengorder HISTORY OF SUJU Vol 1 sama kita
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# Untuk 1 Majalah (Vol 2/Vol 3 saja): Rp. 63.600,- (belum termasuk ongkos kirim)
#Untuk 2 Majalah (Vol 2 dan Vol 3 sekaligus): Rp : 111.300,- (belum termasuk ongkos kirim)
Note : satu nomor register hanya berlaku untuk satu pemesanan.
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*order untuk para pelanggan setia Jn’Y Shop yang tidak memiliki nomor register
# Untuk 1 Majalah (Vol 2/Vol 3 saja): Rp. 79.500 (belum termasuk ongkos kirim)
#Untuk 2 Majalah (Vol 2 dan Vol 3 sekaligus): Rp : 159.000 (belum termasuk ongkos kirim)
PRE ORDER dan TRANSFER akan kita buka dari sekarang sampai tanggal 25 Mei 2011,
Kalo ada perpanjangan kita akan kabarin lagi kok !!
notes: jgn lupa cantumkan no register bagi yang sudah mempunyai majalah History of Super Junior vol 1 ke dalam form pemesanana..
Happy Shopping ^^
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Jumat, 06 Mei 2011
Fans all over the world trend cities in hopes of SMTOWN tour stops

SM Entertainment's expansion into Europe with the first K-pop concert "SM Town Live in Paris" has triggered an enormous reaction from fans all over the world wanting their own "SM Town Live" concert in their own country and city. In mid-April, SM Entertainment announced "SM Town Live in Paris" at Le Zenith in Paris, France, which holds approximately 6,000 seats in comparison to SM Town LA's venue which held 20,000. Tickets for the Paris concert were sold out in 15 minutes and left many European fans ticketless for this historic concert.
European fans began to protest in attempt to get a chance and a second date to attend the concert. Over a thousand fans responded to Korean Connection's call for the Louvre (Paris) protest on Sunday May 1st, and hundreds of K-pop fans attended to show their love for K-pop music. The Louvre protest attracted local French media, as well as Korean media including Yonhap News, SBS, MBC, and KBS reporters.
According to Korean Connection, additional protests have been planned by fans all across Europe including Bordeaux, Lyon, Toulouse, Nantes, Lille, Marseille, Tour, Strasbourg, Metz, Poitiers, Nimes, Genève, Madrid, Barcelona, and Munich.
As a result of the successful Paris protest, SM Entertainment replied that they will be considering a second additional "SM Town Live in Paris" concert, but must check with their artists' schedules first before confirming the second date.

Earlier this week, SM Entertainment announced plans to enter the Latin America market with an SM Town concert in July. Fans located in South America gave fiery reactions with SM Entertainment revealing their plans and possibilities to visit South American countries such as Brazil and Chile.
The Mexican media has also opened itself up to the K-pop wave. TV Azteca has received lots of love ever since giving their first K-pop coverage on “Venga la Alegria” at the end of April. Because of the positive reaction from K-pop fans in Mexico, “Venga la Alegria” will be showing 90 seconds of K-pop every Wednesday.
A very well known K-pop mixer, DJ Masa (Carlos Brandão) is from Brazil himself. He has gained international fame for his top-notch remixes, including his famous "yearly mashups," in which he takes the hottest songs of the year and mashes them together into one unique sounding song. Masa is known to be a very big fan of Korean K-pop Queen BoA Kwon, and it has been reported that many fans hope that he will someday become the opening act for an SM Town concert, preferably "SM Town Live in Brazil."
K-pop fans all over the world have gotten into a frenzy to get SM Entertainment's attention to get SM Town to perform in their country and city. Over 11,000 fans have "liked" the Facebook page for "SM Town Live in Mexico."
If one were to look up "SM Town Live" on the Facebook's search engine, fans all over the world are requesting for a concert in the following countries and cities: Canada, Toronto (Canada), Brazil, Peru, Thailand, Australia, Colombia, Los Angeles, Philippines, Washington D.C., Mexico, Montréal (Canada), Chile and more.
In addition, K-pop fans have also started trending on Twitter. Koreaboo responded to a tip by fans earlier today that fans have trended #smtownperu. But this was not the only thing trending today! Fans in Mexico and Venezuela have also begun to trend their own hashtags, with some topping the Worldwide trending list: #SMTOWNMEXICO, SMTOWNVENEZUELA, #smtownbrazil, #SMTOWNCHILE, #SMTown11Australia, #SMTownArgentina

K-pop fans' passion and dedication to this movement to get SM Town to visit their country has been truly amazing. Koreaboo hopes that, like us, SM Entertainment will take notice of that same passion and dedication fans have shown as seen in our "SM Town Live" articles, on Koreaboo's Twitter and Facebook, and do their best to make fans happy.
Koreaboo would also like to thank all of the K-pop fans who have sent in tips!
Source: @SNSD_Arg, @nabellalucia, @derpyeon, Orient-Extreme and HatoBrazil
Super Junior crowned the most popular Kpop star by Kpop fans in Mexico

According to a survey, Super Junior is the most popular group amongst international fans. One of Mexico's shows "TV Azteca" recently conducted a survey and asked viewers who their favorite Kpop singer was.
The survey was taken by 31,851 voters. Super Junior took first place with 8,517 votes (25.67%) with TVXQ very close behind in second with 8,365 votes (25.21%). SHINee took third place with 3,831 votes (11.55%), and SNSD are the 4th SM Entertainment artists to finish off the Top 4 by a slim margin in the survey with 3,280 votes (9.89%). SS501 secured 5th place with 3,241 votes (9.77%).
Big Bang, Wonder Girls, 2NE1, BEAST, U-Kiss, FT Island, CNBLUE, 2PM, miss A, and BoA also ranked respectively.
Currently, Super Junior's Chinese unit, Super Junior-M (Siwon, Donghae, Ryeowook, Eunhyuk, Kyuhyun, Sungmin, Zhoumi, Henry) are promoting in mainland China with their latest album. Super Junior will be releasing the Japanese single of their Korean song "Bonamana" on June 8th. However, this Japanese single is not Super Junior's official debut into the Japanese market, but will make their official debut at a later date.
What do you think of the survey? As an international fan, who is your absolute favorite K-artist?
**Note: Korean article says that the TV Azteca is from Spain, but is actually a Mexican show
The survey was taken by 31,851 voters. Super Junior took first place with 8,517 votes (25.67%) with TVXQ very close behind in second with 8,365 votes (25.21%). SHINee took third place with 3,831 votes (11.55%), and SNSD are the 4th SM Entertainment artists to finish off the Top 4 by a slim margin in the survey with 3,280 votes (9.89%). SS501 secured 5th place with 3,241 votes (9.77%).
Big Bang, Wonder Girls, 2NE1, BEAST, U-Kiss, FT Island, CNBLUE, 2PM, miss A, and BoA also ranked respectively.
Currently, Super Junior's Chinese unit, Super Junior-M (Siwon, Donghae, Ryeowook, Eunhyuk, Kyuhyun, Sungmin, Zhoumi, Henry) are promoting in mainland China with their latest album. Super Junior will be releasing the Japanese single of their Korean song "Bonamana" on June 8th. However, this Japanese single is not Super Junior's official debut into the Japanese market, but will make their official debut at a later date.
What do you think of the survey? As an international fan, who is your absolute favorite K-artist?
**Note: Korean article says that the TV Azteca is from Spain, but is actually a Mexican show

Source: Sports Chosun
[NEWS] A Special Story told by Masters of Twitter (Donghae)
What’s your attraction to social network system (SNS)?
It’s the fact that I can share information that I learned through the internet with people all over the world. Also, I can express my personal thoughts or feelings freely. The fact that ...I can build relationship with various people is also appealing.
What’s the reason you are Tweeting?
Working as part of Super Junior, I visited many countries in the world. I thought that I wanted to become close to my fans. So I started Twitter. Thanks to Twitter, when I can’t be with my fans, I was able to tell them where I am, what I am doing, and what I’m thinking instantly.
What do you think is the reason that your Twitter account is popular?
I think it’s because Super Junior is loved by many people. I think they take interest in me because I’m one of the members of Super Junior. Also, I think it’s because they look at me favorably for trying to become close with fans.
Who is your best Twitter connection?
My best personal connection is with the member Choi Siwon from my team. Of course, other Super Junior members are important personal connections to me. But since I’m in Taiwan now filming a drama, I’ve been spending a lot of time with him lately. Whenever I become tired, Siwon is by my side encouraging me and I get a lot of help from him.
What do you want to say to fans who use Twitter?
Thank you fans for taking an interest in my Twitter account. I want to repay you for interest and love that you fans have given me. But I always feel sorry for not expressing it more often. I want to repay you your love by working hard. Please give me, Donghae, and Super Junior endless encouragement.
Source: Enews24
Translated by Minnie @ SUJUISM.BLOGSPOT.COM
It’s the fact that I can share information that I learned through the internet with people all over the world. Also, I can express my personal thoughts or feelings freely. The fact that ...I can build relationship with various people is also appealing.
What’s the reason you are Tweeting?
Working as part of Super Junior, I visited many countries in the world. I thought that I wanted to become close to my fans. So I started Twitter. Thanks to Twitter, when I can’t be with my fans, I was able to tell them where I am, what I am doing, and what I’m thinking instantly.
What do you think is the reason that your Twitter account is popular?
I think it’s because Super Junior is loved by many people. I think they take interest in me because I’m one of the members of Super Junior. Also, I think it’s because they look at me favorably for trying to become close with fans.
Who is your best Twitter connection?
My best personal connection is with the member Choi Siwon from my team. Of course, other Super Junior members are important personal connections to me. But since I’m in Taiwan now filming a drama, I’ve been spending a lot of time with him lately. Whenever I become tired, Siwon is by my side encouraging me and I get a lot of help from him.
What do you want to say to fans who use Twitter?
Thank you fans for taking an interest in my Twitter account. I want to repay you for interest and love that you fans have given me. But I always feel sorry for not expressing it more often. I want to repay you your love by working hard. Please give me, Donghae, and Super Junior endless encouragement.
Source: Enews24
Translated by Minnie @ SUJUISM.BLOGSPOT.COM
Shared by Super Junior Forever!!!
Korean boy band Super Junior arrives in Vietnam

Korean boy band Super Junior will have a live show in Binh Duong Province on May 7 to end their third Asian tour.
Korean boy band Super Junior will arrive in Ho Chi Minh City on Friday to prepare for their live show in Binh Duong Province on May 7 to end their third Asian tour.
The performance, expected to attract 7,000-8,000 people, is the last of the band’s 16 shows in 13 Asian cities. The Asian tour aims to promote the boys’ 4th album “Bonamana”.
The concert organizer in Vietnam, Viet Vision Ads, said that because of time limitations, there will be no press conference, but before the concert, the band will grant interviews with some local journalists and hold their rehearsal in the province’s Go Dau-Becamex stadium.
The sound and light system for the performance of more than 30 songs are being brought in from Korea, Malaysia and China.
Tickets for the show, from US$65-150, are available at the Lotte Mart supermarket in Saigon South, Ho Chi Minh City.
Buses will also leave from this venue in District 7 for the concert, organizers said. Concert ticket prices do include the bus fare.
Source: Thanh Nien Daily
Posted by: reneee (www.sup3rjunior.wordpress.com)
Shared by : Sapphire Blue ELF
Kamis, 05 Mei 2011
UJIAN UTAMA DISELENGGARAKAN MULAI HARI RABU/26 JANUARI 2011.Mahasiswa Universitas Gunadarma sudah dapat mengambil Kartu Tanda Peserta Ujian Utama mulai hari Rabu tgl 12 Januari 2011 di loket 35 kampus Depok. Bagi Mahasiswa kampus kalimalang kartu tanda peserta bisa diambil langsung di sekretariat dosen kampus J pada tanggal yang sama.
Selama mengikuti Ujian Utama Mahasiswa diwajibkan membawa kartu Tanda Peserta, KRS dan KTM, dan memakai baju PUTIH POLOS TANPA MOTIF untuk semua laki2 dan perempuan serta bawahan ROK HITAM untuk mahasiswi, CELANA PANJANG HITAM untuk mahasiswa, bawahan TIDAK BOLEH BAHAN JEANS, serta tidak diperkenankan memakai SEPATU SANDAL.
Selama mengikuti Ujian Utama Mahasiswa diwajibkan membawa kartu Tanda Peserta, KRS dan KTM, dan memakai baju PUTIH POLOS TANPA MOTIF untuk semua laki2 dan perempuan serta bawahan ROK HITAM untuk mahasiswi, CELANA PANJANG HITAM untuk mahasiswa, bawahan TIDAK BOLEH BAHAN JEANS, serta tidak diperkenankan memakai SEPATU SANDAL.
No. | Hari | Tanggal | Waktu | Mata Kuliah | Ruangan |
1 | Rabu | 26 Januari 2011 | 12.00 - 14.00 | Algoritma dan Pemrograman 3 | E-336 s/d E-338, G-122 s/d G-227 |
2 | Kamis | 27 Januari 2011 | 12.00 - 14.00 | Sistem Operasi | E-324 s/d E-338, G-122 s/d G-126 |
3 | Jum'at | 28 Januari 2011 | 09.00 - 11.00 | Organisasi Sistem Komputer | E-226 s/d E-338 |
4 | Senin | 31 Januari 2011 | 09.00 - 11.00 | Jaringan Komputer | E-232 s/d E-334 |
5 | Selasa | 01 Februari 2011 | 09.00 - 11.00 | Sistem Informasi | E-237 s/d E-338, G-122 |
Daftar Ulang Sem. Ganjil(PTA) 2011/2012
Release on 2011-05-05
Diberitahukan kepada seluruh mahasiswa Universitas Gunadarma, untuk melakukan kegiatan Daftar Ulang Semester Ganjil(PTA) 2011/2012 yang akan diselenggarakan pada :
Tanggal: 18 Mei s/d 04 Juni 2011
Tempat : - Ruang PSA Kampus E/E116 (untuk mahasiswa Depok dan Salemba)
- Ruang PSA Kampus J Lt.2
(untuk mahasiswa Kalimalang)
Jadual kegiatan Daftar Ulang Semester Ganjil (PTA) 2011/2012 dapat dilihat pada Mading PSA kampus E dan J.
Harap diperhatikan, Terima Kasih
Bag. PSA
Diberitahukan kepada seluruh mahasiswa Universitas Gunadarma, untuk melakukan kegiatan Daftar Ulang Semester Ganjil(PTA) 2011/2012 yang akan diselenggarakan pada :
Tanggal: 18 Mei s/d 04 Juni 2011
Tempat : - Ruang PSA Kampus E/E116 (untuk mahasiswa Depok dan Salemba)
- Ruang PSA Kampus J Lt.2
(untuk mahasiswa Kalimalang)
Jadual kegiatan Daftar Ulang Semester Ganjil (PTA) 2011/2012 dapat dilihat pada Mading PSA kampus E dan J.
Harap diperhatikan, Terima Kasih
Bag. PSA
sumber : baak.gunadarma.ac.id
At the northwestern end of Sumatra, was the first province of Indonesia to have significant contact with the outside world. Chinese chronicles of the sixth century speak of a kingdom called Po-Li on the northern tip of what is now Sumatra. 9th century Arabic and Indian writings mention Aceh as an important trade centre. The first Islamic Kingdom in Indonesia was established in 804 in Aceh, and the region's position as an Islamic stronghold grew as the city became a centre for Islamic learning and the gateway for Indonesians making the pilgrimage to Mecca.
Over the centuries, a constant influx of traders and immigrants established Aceh as a wealthy and influential trading nation, possessing a strong sense of independence. Aceh's dominance in trade and politics reached its peak in the early 1600's. Aceh's decline began with the death of Sultan Iskandar Thani in 1641, when the British and the Dutch began to battle for control of the region. The London Treaty of 1824 gave the Dutch control of all British possessions in Sumatra, in return for their withdrawal from India and Singapore.
The Acehnese are famous throughout Indonesia for their courage and fierce sense of Independence, and the Dutch lost over 10,000 men during the Aceh Wars, which lasted from 1873 to 1942. Although industrialization and global communications have created a greater openness to western ideas and practices, visitors should keep in mind that the Acehnese take their religion, their manners and their morals very seriously.
Aceh after Tsunami Disaster
Aceh after Tsunami Disaster
Indonesia's most populous province outside of java, stretches from the Indian Ocean in the west to the Straits of Malaka in the East, and from Aceh in the north to west Sumatra in the south. It is thick with virgin rainforest, jungle-covered hills, terraced rice field, mountain rivers, beautiful waterfalls, volcanic lakes and peaceful white beaches.The people of the region can be divided into five main ethnic groups: the Coastal Malays, Living along the Malacca Straits, the Bataks, consisting of the sub-tribes around Lake Toba and Samosir Island, the Pesisirs along the Indian Ocean coast, the Mandailing of Southern Tapanuli, and Nias Islanders off the western coast of the province. These groups each have their own dialects, religious beliefs, arts, customs and cultures. Several ethnic groups live in Medan and other towns of North Sumatra, the largest of these being Chinese and Indian. Other parts of the archipelago are represented, notably the Acehnese, Minangkabau and Javanese.The diversity of arts and cultures make this region a treasure chest for social scientists and culture seekers. Ancient carved-stone graves of Batak kings, the megalithic culture of Nias, unique dances, ceremonies, arts and crafts are just waiting for you to discover.
North Sumatra is also one of the richest provinces in Indonesia for flora and fauna. And of course the jewel of North Sumatra, Lake Toba, the legendary birthplace of the mountain-dwelling Bataks and the largest island lake in Southeast Asia.
The region also produces more than 30% of Indonesia's export commodities, making it a vital cog in the Indonesian economy. Tobacco, palm oil, tea and rubber are produced in large quantities, particularly around Medan in the north of the province.
The region also produces more than 30% of Indonesia's export commodities, making it a vital cog in the Indonesian economy. Tobacco, palm oil, tea and rubber are produced in large quantities, particularly around Medan in the north of the province.
West Sumatra is composed of three regions: volcanic highlands, a long coastal plain and a series of jungle-covered islands just offshore. Much of the province is still wilderness; virgin jungle inhabited by elephants, leopards and rhinos. It is the traditional homeland of the Minangkabau, who are known far and wide through the archipelago for their shrewd business sense, their fiery-hot dishes and ancient matriarchal customs. The women own property and the men leave home to seek their fame and fortune. Travelling is considered a mark of success and West Sumatrans and their Minang or Padang restaurants are found in all major towns across the nation. The people are hospitable and eloquent, with a poetic style of speech. West Sumatran days are filled with colourful ceremonies and festivals. Legend has it the Minangkabau are descendants of the youngest son of Alexander the Great, King Maharajo Dirajo. West Sumatra's centre of culture and tourism is Bukittinggi, nestled in the highlands north of the provincial capital of Padding.
Surrounded by high mountains, picturesque valleys and lakes, Bukittinggi is considered by many tourists to be the most hospitable city in all Sumatra. Padang Tabing Airport is the main gateway to West Sumatra and serviced by local airlines. The MV. Kerens sails every two weeks for Jakarta from Teluk Bayur harbor. Smaller vessels from Muara harbor sail to small towns along the entire west coast of Sumatra. Regular bus services run between Padang Bukittinggi and other major cities of Sumatra, as well as via trans-Sumatra Highway to Jakarta.
The 3,000 islands of the Riau province straddle the Straits of Malacca, one of the oldest and busiest trading routes in the world. For centuries the islands have provided a safe haven to traders and sailors from Europe, India and China, retaining today the flavour of an ancient 'crossroads of the world". The romantic history of this region is rich with tales of piracy and international conflict. Riau, which includes a large part of East Sumatra, is homeland to the Malays and the source of Indonesia's Malay-based national language. The first book of Malay grammar, called Bustanul Katibin, was written and published here in 1857.
Since its founding in 1402 by Parameswara, the Kingdom of Malacca played a leading role in the history of the area. With the arrival of the Portuguese a period of wars for control of the Straits began. The situation was aggravated by the arrival of the Dutch and British in the early 17th century.A turbulent conflict followed, which was partially resolved by the Treaty of London in 1824, giving the Dutch control of all European territories south of Singapore. This area included Riau, and effectively severed its links with Johor and the mainland.
The Dutch subjugated and dissolved the rebellious Riau Sultanate in 1911, but the province's influence remained strong. Pekanbaru in Sumatra became the provincial capital in 1959, taking over from the former capital of Tanjungpinang on the island of Bintan. Tanjungpinang is, however, still the most important town in the province. Its proximity to Singapore has made it a main business and shopping port and together with the nearby island of Batam, it is promising to became an area of major investment and development in the years ahead. The future looks bright for Riau; because of it is strategic position with the rest of Asia it is rapidly being developing as a major economic zone.
The Province of Jambi, located on the east coast of Central Sumatra, faces the Strait of Malaka and shares borders with four other provinces in Sumatra. It has long been a melting pot for different ethnic groups. The earliest inhabitants of Jambi were of Malays to migrate to Sumatra. The ancient Jambi kingdom of Melayu maintained relations with the mighty kingdoms of Sriwijaya, Majapahit and Singasari, but was eventually attacked and annexed by Sriwijaya in the middle of the 17th century. Encompassing an area of 53,435 sq. km, almost 60% of which is forest, the province is an exhilarating place for active and adventurous visitors. Jambi is one of Indonesia's 27 Provinces. Geographically, Jambi Province is located between 0,450 south latitude, and between 101.100 and 105.550 Eastern longitude. Its total area is 53 436.52 square kilometers and it is bordered by the Berhala Starit, South Sumatra Province to the South, West Sumatra Province to the West and Riau Province to the North. Jambi Province is divided into 5 Regencies and one Municipality. These are batang hari with an area of 11 130.5 sq.km, Bungo Tebo (13500 sq.km), Surolangin Bangko (14200 sq.km) and the Jambi Municipality with an area of 306 square kilometers.
Bengkulu's history is been a difficult one, filled with changing colonial rulers, internal Sumatran wars, disease and exploitation of the indigenous peoples. It was the site of Sir Stamford Raffles first entry into Indonesia and there are still remains of British influence in the area. The primary crops of the area are pepper, coffee, nutmeg and sugar cane. Bengkulu Provinces is easily accessible by land, air and sea transportation. You can catch regular buses direct from Medan, Padang or Jakarta. Flights arrive three times a day. Domestic ships from Jakarta, Padang and Medan stop over in Baai harbor, Bengkulu.
One of the greatest kingdoms in Indonesian history, the Buddhist Empire of Sriwijaya, prospered along the banks of the Musi River in South Sumatra over a thousand years ago. Located on the southern-most rim of the South China Sea, close to one of the world's busiest shipping lanes linking the Far East with Europe, the region's historical background is rich and colorful.
The Sriwijaya kingdom practiced a bustling and lucrative trade with ancient China during its era of powerful dynasties. In 672 the Chinese-scholar, I Tsing, recorded that a thousand monks and scholars could be seen translating and studying Sanskrit in what is now the regional capital of Palembang. Few relics of this memorable era remain.
Stretching from the foothills of the mighty Bukit Barisan mountain range in West Sumatra to the islands of Bangka and Belitung in the East, the province of South Sumatra is relatively flat but very fertile, with numerous rivers cutting across the landscape and meandering their way to the sea. Coffee and tea plantations are scattered across the province, but the area's enormous wealth comes from oil, natural gas, coal, tin and quartz reserves.
Palembang is still the gateway to the province with one of the region's three major airports. The other two are on Bangka and Belitung islands. All three provide direct connections with Medan, Batam, Padang and Jakarta. Air-conditioned buses from points north and west of Palembang are also regularly available, as well as from major cities in Java and Bali.
The Province of Jambi, located on the east coast of Central Sumatra, faces the Strait of Malaka and shares borders with four other provinces in Sumatra. It has long been a melting pot for different ethnic groups. The earliest inhabitants of Jambi were of Malays to migrate to Sumatra. The ancient Jambi kingdom of Melayu maintained relations with the mighty kingdoms of Sriwijaya, Majapahit and Singasari, but was eventually attacked and annexed by Sriwijaya in the middle of the 17th century. Encompassing an area of 53,435 sq. km, almost 60% of which is forest, the province is an exhilarating place for active and adventurous visitors.
Belonging to this province are two sizable islands, Bangka and Belitung, off Sumatra's east coast. Both Bangka and Belitung are known for the hospitality of their people and for their appetizing seafoods. They are also important producers of tin.
Ancient Chinese travel chronicles refer to a place in the most southerly part of Sumatra called "Lampung" or "Place of the southerly winds". Megalithic sculptures discovered in Kebontebu, Kenali, Pugung and Batubedil also help to date the province to Indonesia's greatest maritime empire, Sriwijaya. Strategically located looking towards Krakatau and Java across the Sunda Strait, Lampung has a long history of trade and is still an important gateway into Sumatra, particularly from Jakarta.
The Province is generally flat with the highest mountains of Gunung pesagi, Tanggamas, Seminiung, Sekincau and Raya all being dormant volcanoes. Pundar Lampung, the Provincial capital, was formerly two separate towns, Tanjungkarang and the port of Teluk Betung, which after the infamous eruption of Krakatau were both completely covered in volcanic ash. In the course of development, however, these towns have merged together to become one single city. Being blessed with incredibly fertile soil, agriculture has naturally become the main industry of the province. Clove, coffee, cassava, cocoa and rice are preferred in the eastern sections of the regions. The area around Lake Ranu is primarily a tobacco growing area.
The Way Kambas Nature Reserve in the west of the province is a perfect place to see Sumatran elephants being trained to work in thick tropical jungles as well as hundreds of species of exotic birds. Tigers still roam this land although they are rare. The largest flower in the world, Rafflesia, can be seen at the Bukit Barisan Selatan National park.
cr : indonesia-tourism
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