
Jumat, 13 April 2012

All About Hangul - Part 2

Hangul alphabets are called JaMo (from 자음 JaEum, "consonant", and 모음MoEum, "vowel"). Initially, it included 17 basic consonants and 11 basic vowels. Over time, 3 consonants and 1 vowels were dropped from usage and we now have 14 basic consonants and 10 basic vowels.
The document that further illustrates the design principles had this to say about the consonants. Sorry about the bad translation.
The consonants are designed to mimic the shapes of the vocal organs. ㄱ (기역 GiYeok) is taken after the way the root of the tongue is closing the throat. ㄴ (니은 NiEun) is taken from the way the tongue is touching the back of the upper teeth. ㅁ (미음 MiEum) mimics the shape of the mouth. ㅅ (시옷 SiOt) follows the shape of the teeth. ㅇ (이응 IEung) is from the shape of the throat.
ㅋ (키읔 KiEuk) sounds stronger than ㄱ, so a stoke was added. ㄷ (디귿 DiGeut) came from ㄴ, and ㅌ (티읕 TiEut) from ㄷ. ㅂ (비읍 BiEup) from ㅁ, and ㅍ (피읖 PiEup) from ㅂ. ㅈ (지읒JiEut) from ㅅ, and ㅊ (치읓 ChiEut) from ㅈ. They follow similar rules.
The vowels start with three basic symbols and the rest is built upon them. In the original vowel set, it included a dot (or a short stroke, ㆍ). This symbolized "heaven". The horizontal stroke (from ㅡ) "earth", and the vertical stroke (from ㅣ), "person". From these, all other vowels are built. For example, the vertical stroke and the dot makes ㅏ.
Initially, the jamo didn't have names, I believe. The names for the consonants came much much later. The vowels don't have separate names.


(1)기역 GiYeokg / kSince this can be both voiceless and voiced, foreigners may think of it as 'g' or 'k'. However, it is a bit less voiced than 'g', and less strong than 'k'.
(1)니은 NiEunnAs in "nice".
(1)디귿 DiGeutd / tSince this can be both voiceless and voiced, foreigners may think of it as 'd' or 't'. However, it is a bit less voiced than 'd', and less strong than 't'.
(1)리을 RiEulr / lKoreans don't hear the difference between 'r' and 'l'. This symbol, depending on situation, can come out as either 'r' or 'l'.
(1)미음 MiEummAs in "mother".
(1)비읍 BiEupb / pSince this can be both voiceless and voiced, foreigners may think of it as 'b' or 'p'. However, it is a bit less voiced than 'b', and less strong than 'p'.
(1)시옷 SiOtsThe sound is not as strong as the English 's', but close.
(1)이응 IEungnone / ngThis symbol when appearing as the first consonant does not have any sound. It acts as a placeholder for aesthetic reasons.
(1)지읒 JiEutj / chSince this can be both voiceless and voiced, foreigners may think of it as 'j' or 'ch'. However, it is a bit less voiced than 'j', and less strong than 'ch'.
(1)치읓 ChiEutchThis is the real voiceless 'ch' sound.
(1)키읔 KiEukkThe is the real voiceless 'k' sound.
(1)티읕 TiEuttThis is the real voiceless 't' sound.
(1)피읖 PiEuppThis is the real voiceless 'p' sound.
(1)히읗 HiEuthThis is about as strong as the English 'h'. Definitely less strong than the German version.
쌍기역 SsangGiYeokggThe sound is stronger, voiced 'g'. It is close to the Spanish 'k'?
쌍디귿 SsangDiGeutddThe sound is stronger, voiced 'd'. It is close to the Spanish 't'?
쌍비읍 SsangBiEupbbThe sound is stronger, voiced 'b'. It is close to the Spanish 'b'?
쌍시옷 SsangSiOtssThis is, maybe, slightly stronger than the English 's'.
쌍지읒 SsangJiEutjjthis sound is stronger, voiced 'j'.

(1) The 14 basic consonants. In the original set, it included ㅿ (반시옷 BanSiOt), ㆁ (엣이응 YetIEung) and ㆆ (된이응 DoenIEung).


(1)'a' in 'far'
'a' in 'pack'
(1)'ya' in 'Maya'
'yea' in 'yeah'Think of it as the half vowel 'y' plus ㅑ (that is, the shape of the lips do not change).
(1)'u' in 'duck'
'e' in 'peck'Supposedly "heavier" sound than ㅐ, but these days they sometimes are not distinguished.
(1)'you' in 'young'
'ye' in 'yesSupposedly "heavier" sound than ㅒ, but practically they are hard to tell apart.
(1)'o' in 'boy'
'wa' in 'wander'
'wa' in 'wack'
'wa' in 'wack'You'd think this would be the French "eu". It might have been in the old days, but it is practically the same as ㅙ.
(1)'yo' in 'yo-yo'Actually, it's only the first part of 'yo', the short version.
(1)'oo' in 'boot'Actually, shorter. But it's different from 'oo' in 'foot'.
'wo' in 'won'
'wea' in 'weapon'Supposedly "heavier" sound than ㅙ, but sometimes they are hard to tell apart.
'we' in 'we'It could have been the French 'u' longer time ago, but now it's pronounced as 'we' (that is, the shape of the lips changes).
(1)'you' in 'you'Also, not that long.
(1)'c' in 'cream' without the 'k' sound.This is a bit tricky. This symbol is also used for those cosonants that appear by themselves in English (e.g., 't' in 'part'). Hangul cannot have just the consonants, so this vowel usually is added in those cases (트 in 파트).
ㅡ and ㅣ in quick succession.This is also two sounds, that is, the shape of the lips changes.
(1)'ee' in 'see'But shorter.

(1) The 10 basic vowels. In the original set, it included ㆍ (아래아 ARaeA).

source :

All About Hangul - Part 1

You might want to check out "Hangul Romanizations" page so that you can understand how I am writing romanized Hangul on this site.
This will be a simple description of the written Korean language (한글 HanGeul, or more commonly Hangul). Your browser will need to be able to handle the EUC-KRcharacter set encoding and to display Korean fonts.
This is neither about the Korean language in general (i.e., how to say "xxx" in Korean) nor about the representations of the Korean language in computers and Internet (i.e., how to display a Korean site on your computer). You may find a better reference in the resource page.

A Brief History of Hangul

The Korean language existed long (don't quote me on this, but I think, at least, there is a historical reference dating back to around 400 A.D.) before the writing system. Before (and long after) its invention, almost all of writing was done with Chinese characters (한자 HanJa). The influence of Chinese characters can be seen everywhere in the modern Korean language and society.
The Korean writing system is quite unique in that it was invented, relatively recently, in 1443 by King SeJong (세종대왕 SeJongDaeWang) and his scholars at 집현전 JipHyeonJeon. It was published three years later. The system was originally known as 훈민정음 HunMinJeongEum, which translates to "the proper sound for teaching people". The name, Hangul (한글 HanGeul), is known to be coined by 주시경 Ju SiGyeong in 1913.
Before this document describing the writing system was discovered in 1930s (I was never good at History), no one knew what this system was based on. Some claimed that King SeJong one day looked at his "window" (before glass, thick papers were used to cover wooden frames with geometric shapes) and came up with the idea.
However, the document describes the philosophical (i.e., 천지인 CheonJiIn / "heaven, earth and human") and physiological (e.g., shapes and locations of mouth and tongue) bases for each alphabet (자모 JaMo).
The exact purpose of this creation has been debated for a long time. What King SeJong wrote initially about it is that the Korean language and the Chinese language are different and it makes it difficult for common people to express themselves well with Chinese characters and that he created these characters so that they can be easily learned and used everyday.
Its use didn't become popular overnight despite its ease of use. It was still a time when China had great influences over Korea in every aspect, so aristocrats and scholars kept using Hanja and despised its use. If you wanted to get ahead in life (e.g., becoming a scholar or landing a government position), one was required to learn HanJa. So, Hangul was mostly used by women and people of lower classes. It wasn't until recently, in the mid-20th century, that its use became more prevalent among people.
I think the Hanja education in the secondary schools is continuing in a way, but not much. Since the late 1980s, newspapers have started to use only Hangul. It used to have mixture of Hangul and Hanja and I remember that I often got reprimended for not being able to read newspapers well (I wasn't good with Hanja).
These days, most of the printed media use Hangul exclusively. Some did have come back to using both, especially for personal names. But for the most of the younger Koreans, Hanja isn't such a big issue in everyday life.
One last thing. Koreans used to celebrated October 9th as the Hangul Day (한글날 HanGeulLal) nationally (that is, a national holiday). But about a decade ago, they canceled it citing, if I remember correctly, that we had too many holidays (whether that was the real reason, I have no idea)! Anyway, it is no longer a national holiday, but some do still remember.

source : Hong's Hangul

Selasa, 10 April 2012


JUDUL GAME            : WAR
THEMA                    : PEPERANGAN KERAJAAN


Games ini bercerita tentang dua buah kerajaan yang berselisih paham. Karena perebutan wilayah kekuasaan. Kerajaan pertama di pimpin oleh raja AL yaitu raja yang kuat, gagah dan perkasa, ia seorang raja yang bijaksana dan baik hati. Ia mampu memimpin kerajaan dengan baik. Rakyat nya pun sangatlah ramah dan baik hati. Kerajaan ini sangatlah luas wilayahnya dengan kekayaan alam yang melimpah.
Karena kerajaan yang makmur ini ada sebuah kerajaan lain yang iri hati dengan kerajaan yang dipimpin oleh raja Al. yaitu kerajaan yang dipimpin oleh raja Amet, ia seorang raja yang otoriter, jahat dan selalu memeras rakyatnya. Ia tidak pernah puas dengan hasil bumi yang kerajaannya dapatkan. Sampai suatu hari ia mendengar berita tentang kerajaan Al yang sangat luas dan makmur, dalam pikirannya ia ingin merebut wilayah kerajaan Al.
Dan akhirnya ia menyiapkan rencana dan strategi untuk menyerang kerajaan AL, raja Amet menyiapkan beberapa pasukkannya untuk menyerang kerajaan AL. dengan amunisi yang cukup banyak dan pasukan yang kuat ia menyerang kerajaan AL.
Raja Amet menyiapkan pasukan yang banyak untuk menyerang kerajaan AL. untungnya raja AL memiliki pasukan yang sangat kuat dan hebat. Ia mampu bertahan dari serangan raja Amet yang sangat jahat tersebut. Dan akhirnya kerana kerajaan Al yang kuat akhirnya pasukan yang dikirimkan raja Amet pun terkalahkan dan kerajaan AL kembali tentram.