1st, you have to go to this link : http://www.soribada.com/#/Member/Mb_Join.php
(make sure you go to this link, if you go to 'kpop-soribada.com' i don't know how to make your trial listen free from charge. If you see this word "this web not available for your country" or something like that just ignore this word. Continue by click the black button with the Hangul word one).
btw,In Soribada, both pay and non-pay method also count in,
but PAY method would be count in more !
If you DO have a visa card, you can also buy the song and listen to the full versions of the songs!
if you want to use the Pay method you can go to this link -----> http://shiningbluey.wordpress.com/2010/06/16/tutorial-how-to-buy-the-boys-songs-on-korean-online-sites-soribada/
(it's the tutorial)
ok 2nd, after you go to the 1st link, u will see there're 3 box. Choose the purple box that's written "Name verification for foreigners". Then choose "Subscribers". (on the website it written in Hangul. Just choose the first purple button in that box).
3rd, (the page will lil'bit change) choose "서류 인증" (Documents Authentication). Then click the Blue button. After you click this blue button the page will load to the next page. At this page you will see "이용약관에 동의 하시겠습니까?" (Do you want to agree to the Terms and Conditions), just click the Blue Button again. Then one more time, please click the Blue button again (It's just Terms and Conditions). Then the page will load to the next page.
4th, you will see ID page (Many things you have to fill here). In the first box you have to fill it with your name (your real name in Hangul, without space. Try to translate it with google translate, example my name is "Vidia Diniati", but since there's no "V" word in Korea so I have to change it to "Pidiah Diniahti" and make it without space, So the result is "피디아디니아티". Then choose "남자" if you're a Man or choose "여자" if you're a woman.
Then, there're 3 boxes in the 2nd row. You have to fill it with your year of birth, month and your date of birth. And then you have choose your ID in the box on the 3rd row, Password in the box on the 4th row, Confirm your Password in the box on the 5th row and Nickname in the box on the 6th row. Please fill in both letters and numbers on the 3rd-6th row. (make sure there's checklist icon in every side of the box).
Then, fill your e-mail (your real e-mail). Then upload your ID pict (you can scanning your ID card or passport, or you can use your mobile phone camera (make sure ur ID number is clear enough to see).
After that, choose your country (if u don't know how to spell your country in Hangul try to use google translate again). Example : Indonesia is "인도네시아" in Hangul.
Then fill your phone number ------> u see there're 3 boxes right??? each box fill in 4 numbers, first box fill in your country code. Example : country code for Indonesia is 62. So you have to fill like 6222-5672-7895.
After that, click the Blue button again. The approval will be notified by e-mail in 2-3 days (excluding weekends).
Then, DONE. ^_^ you can login after you get the e-mail.
If you want to login, just click "로그인" (Login) on the Top Left of the page and enter your ID and Password and click "로그인" again (the one that have padlock icon).
Then click "+" button to add song into playlist ^_^
Now is time for us to help Super Junior winning awards!
_I hope this helps_
2 komentar:
hey how did your blog appeared on naver? how did you do that?
My blog appeared in naver? really??
how can it be..? because I don't know about it o.Oa
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